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90. Montagsgespräch im Musiklabor München

Einfluß der balinesischen Gamelan-Musik auf die europäische Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts

Teil 2 der interkulturellen Begegnung mit Bali

Roger Kausch

Einspielungen und Besprechen von Musikbeispielen von frühen Aufnahmen aus Bali (1928), von Claude Debussy, Colin McPhee, Steve Reich, Morton Feldman u.a. und Diskussion.

A much-celebrated encounter between French composer Claude Debussy and the music of a Javanese court gamelan took place when a group from Java performed at the Paris International Exhibition in 1889. (...) The first Balinese group to tour abroad was the ensemble from Peliatan village, which played in Paris in 1931.

A much more lavish and extensive tour by the same ensemble took place in 1952. (...) The group was a sensation in London, New York and Las Vegas and impressed the intricacies of Balinese music and dance on an international audience for the first time.

In 1920s, the Odeon company released some recordings made in Bali. These came to the attention of Colin McPhee, a young Canadian-born composer living in New York. (...). He arrived on the island in 1931 and lived there more or less continuously until the forebodings of war necessitiated his hasty departure some 8 years later.

aus Michael Tenzer: Balinese Music, Perplus Editions1998

Gambuh players, Bali, 1930's, photo: Colin McPhee

Montag, 25. März 2002 - 20:00 Uhr

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